Giraj's Blogs

A Postponed Concert, Cops & A Web Series

Delhi was treated to the genius of T M Krishna at the Garden of Five Senses recently. Krishna was actually supposed to perform at an event sponsored by Airport Authority of India (AAI) but then AAI got trolled. The trolls were appalled as to how can an ‘anti-national and urban-Naxal’ be sponsored by a government body. The AAI thus chickened out (they said ‘postponed’ and presumed Dilliwa-lahs to be naive).AAP stepped in displaying fantastic political opportunism (some say AK is the epitome of such opportunism) but this time they  got accolades for it and rightly so. The silver lining to this controversy is that right from Rajouri Garden to Dilshad Garden, Na-jafgarh to Brijwasan – Dilliwa-lahs now know of T M Krishna and of his brilliance. This blogger has learnt that even ‘ladies who lunch talked of Carnatic mu-sic this November. Have you noticed the spring in the walk of the Delhi Police personnel lately? These days they walk with long strides and with their chests inflated.No wonder men in this proud force have chests measuring almost up to a couple of inches short of 56 (56 inches is the permissible limit as anyone claiming a larger chest is likely to be treated as a threat to the na-tion’s sovereignty, then tagged as an urban Naxal and will not be allowed to sing!). Never in its history has this force been in such demand. Our man AK wants it, the ruling dispensation at Centre will not let it go at any cost and the LG of Delhi simply can’t imagine a sin-gle day in office without it being subservient to him. It is likely that the Head of Delhi Police might just be feeling more important than the likes of Jaitley, Sushma and Iranis. Other than political opportunism another thing that Aam Aadmi Party has mastered is the art of using billboards as an effective medium of advertising in the capital. Drive on any Delhi road and you are likely to see AK smiling down at you from a hoarding. Well, AAP got a master class in outdoor advertising by Amazon-Prime.

The manner in which Amazon- Prime advertised for its web- series Mirzapur was simply awesome. You couldn’t miss Mirzapur‘s advertisements despite the smog and the traffic snarls in Delhi only helped their cause. The promotions really worked for Amazon-Prime as just about everyone in Delhi seems to have watched a couple of episodes of Mirzapur if not the entire series – the abuses, guns and raw lawlessness notwithstanding.Well, thanks to the Delhi cops (and this one is from the heart) – one felt Delhi is so much safer and 759 kms is a way too far.

 StateOfDelhi Suggests: Dilli- walahs get to Red Fort this winter. It has never been so accessible. You can hop on to the HeritageLine (extended Violet Line) of Delhi Metro and get off at Red Fort Station. For the typical, laid back Dil- liwalahs – there is this option of driving right up to Shantivana on the Ring Road (Nehru was cremated here and perhaps that’s why they have let the place be!)) and turn in to go towards Darya Ganj. About a kilometer ahead you will encounter the Red Fort Parking. Park and hop on to the e- rickshaw service (extremely well- managed) that takes you to Laho-ri Gate (name not yet changed!) from where you can enter the fort. Check out the Diwan-e-Aam, Diwan-e-Khaas, the Chatta Chowk Bazaar and stay on till the evening for the Light & Sound Show. Monday is a ‘no entry’ day and they prefer you coming in the first half of the day.

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