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Giraj's Blogs

A tomb, a film and a missing tableau

Remember the Aurangzeb Road that’s now being called Dr APJ Abdul Kalaam Road. Bisecting this road is yet another road named after a former ruler of

Giraj's Blogs

Shrinking Nehru, Cricket and an Inauguration

Teen Murti House at Lutyens Delhi was once the residence of India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. It was converted into a Museum and Library

Giraj's Blogs

Vande Mataram, King George and some Sprinkling

Names of prominent roads in Delhi have changed with regular frequency in the recent past with each name-change attracting its set of bickering (this blogger has

Giraj's Blogs

Symbolism, Stolen Car and Mutiny

In this world of instant noodles, WhatsApp break-ups, robots, AI and IoT one would presume that symbolism is of little significance or is perhaps dead. But

Giraj's Blogs

Three Theatres, Vipassana and Technical Errors!

Entertainment has been top of Delhi’s agenda this entire month. First there was this grand act of recreating K Asif’s Mughal-e-azam by Feroz Abbas Khan’s

Giraj's Blogs

Mutations of Character

A city as ancient as Delhi, and with the kind of checkered history it has had, it is not surprising for the citizens’ demeanour and

Giraj's Blogs

Discerning Mosquitoes and Tanks!

Dilliwalahs do not have to go far to tickle their funny bone. There is enough and more happening within the city that is funny.  

Giraj's Blogs

Summer indulgences, yoga and that blasphemous act

Now, this is every-year stuff. As soon as the temperatures soar up to 45 degrees Celsius – the Dilliwalahs pack their bags to shift to the

Giraj's Blogs

Abuses, Symposium and a Ban!

You may blame it on the way Delhi has been plundered through ages that Dilliwalahs are so protective of their spaces. Now these spaces can

Giraj's Blogs

Municipal Elections and Delhi’s Humour!

The elections to the three municipalities of Delhi could not have gone kookier. First, let’s do away with the also-rans. Congress party didn’t know whether