Giraj's Blogs

Govern Dilli through Hoardings!

So you had the Americans say – a Government of the people, by the people, for the people. Europeans talk of Governance by Referendum.  Our man from Siwani, Haryana who is currently keeping the Delhi CM’s seat warm seems to be running a Government which Governs through Hoardings! Well, that’s Billboards for his Yankee supporters (IIT Kharagpur alumni who donated a day’s wage or more for his election campaign). 
Governs through Hoardings! Hey…isn’t that a pun? Wow! Dilliwalas aren’t you amused? 
Our guy ‘hoards’ all the power or at least has such tendencies. Ask a certain Yogendra Yadav or Madame Shazia Ilmi. And then his Government books some corrupt officials – you have Hoardings (Billboards this time) screaming off that information at you. He has a tiff with the Central Government and he wants to claim that despite that tiff his ministers are delivering – he gets that splattered over billboards (little does he know that the folks in power don’t move beyond Lutyen’s Delhi and no Hoarding are allowed there!). And now when a former President passes away – where does the Delhi Government go to pay homage – Hoardings of course! Someone must be contemplating a ban on Hoardings in Delhi. Courts? May be?  So ‘Hoard’ before that ban comes into play!

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