Giraj's Blogs

‘I am so sorry’ and other Theatrics

Dilliwalahs may be perpetually on a short-fuse while they are driving on Delhi roads often transcending to road-rage mode quite easily. They may slip in to arguments, mud-slinging and name-calling without much provocation but they know when to pull back and apologize (we surely know a thing or two about social etiquette even if we dig in to these selectively). Just look at our man AK. Lately, he has only been saying ‘sorry’ to everyone. It is feared that he may soon get into the habit of beginning his public speeches with ‘I am sorry’ (Sabka Vikas guys – take a bow!). However, sources close to him (and no, it’s not that Vishwas guy) have been claiming that with so many defamation cases slapped on him, he just wasn’t getting enough time to devote to Delhi. Running from one court to another was taking a big toll on his promises of governance (whatever little of the governance space the LG leaves for him, that is). Poor chap. We’re sorry for him (and also for ourselves).

The sealing drive in Delhi has thrown many established businesses completely out of gear. Not many seem to comprehend the motivation, logic and timing of this drive by the authorities to seal the premises of businesses that have been operating for decades. How come businesses that existed for so long were not noticed all this while by those who were in charge? Aren’t those guys who were in power, and should have not let these businesses spring out in the first place, liable of action for culpable neglect? The affected retailers and enterprise-owners are seeking answers to such questions. The issue is getting explosive and our CM wants to get out protesting on the streets except that he is not sure which street. Theatrics! Did anyone accuse of AK of theatrics? Let it be. The LG, going by recent history, just doesn’t give a damn nor does the central government or the courts. Ah! Do we see the genesis of another ‘I-am-so-sorry’ moment?

StateOfDelhi Suggests: Theatre (no, not the political variety) has always been a big draw in Delhi. Come April and the thirteenth edition of Mahindra Excellence in Theatre Awards (META) will bring some of the best in contemporary theatre in India to the capital. META opens on the 13th of April and is on till 18th. So get to Mandi House,Dilliwalahs, to sample the plays shortlisted for META and you will stop feeling sorry about missing out on the Bharat Rang Mahotsav this year.

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