Giraj's Blogs

Of Going in Circles & Hoops

Unreliable sources reveal that our man AK is having sleepless nights. He can’t figure as to who were these people that he was accused of transporting to the Delhi-UP border near Anand Vihar in March and April? It is also learnt, unreliably again, that he calls Sonu Sood every night to check whether the people the Bollywood-plus-a-Jackie-Chan-film actor helped reach their native villages and towns were real people? Because real people breathe and real people die. As per The Wire as many as 971 migrant workers had died as of 4th July post the lock down but the Central Government declared in the Parliament that it has no figures! This has shocked Dilliwalahs for they are wondering what else can they do? They had religiously commented on social media using hashtags such as #MigrantsLivesMatter. Apparently these messages and tweets didn’t reach next door to Lutyen’s Bunglows on Lok Kalyan Marg or Sunheri Bagh Road? Some Dilliwalahs, this blogger believes, soak themselves in their Patiala-pegs every evening to fathom as to how did their #BlackLivesMatter tweets reach so far to the US! Ironically, Dr Harsh Vardhan, once a reasonable Dilliwalah (yes, such a breed exists!), had exact figures of how many deaths and Covid19 cases were avoided due to lockdown but his Government had no information on migrants deaths. Well, its like going round and round in circles. Last heard Sonu Sood has blocked AK’s number!

That the Parliament House is a circular building seems pretty symbolic. But all that is going to go away as the current dispensation at the Centre (circles have a ‘centre’, yes!) is going ahead with the Central Vista Project. While most Dilliwalahs may not want the character of some wonderful heritage buildings to be changed, the Government for its own absurd reasons is hell bent on the project. This absurdity reached a new height when this ill-conceived project was touted as “an important fulcrum of economic revival” by the Minister in-charge of Urban Affair (something that Nirmala Sitharaman’s 20-lakh-crore-economic-package couldn’t do). Rohit Shetty better watch out as we have one Hardeep Singh Puri who can better the Gol Maal series!

While on circles one can’t just ignore the concentric circles of shops and offices that line up the charming Connaught Place (that disproportionate, out of sync, convex shape of Gopal Das Tower notwithstanding). CP is soon going to get a 20 meters high smog tower to take care of the air quality. If nothing else, it threatens to make AK’s beloved odd-even scheme redundant. If that happens then Dilliwalahs may want to thank the SC for small mercies (and save themselves a Rupee!)

StateOfDelhi Suggests: This Delhi girl, Eshna Kutty, has been playing with circular objects called Hula Hoops for long. She is quite phenomenal and her posts on the social media are quite a rage. But last week she got into a completely different league. Her #sareeflow post where she is seen hula-hooping clad in a traditional Indian saree and snickers went viral. Moving in a poetic rhythm to that famous number from Delhi-6 she caught the imagination of Instagrammers across the globe and has been lapped up by celebrities and socialites like how! StateOfDelhi Suggests that you have a look if you haven’t checked it already:


  1. Puri and Rohit Shetty comparison was too good. Project – rebuilding “parliament building” is disastrous, hope it doesn’t see the light of the day. Humour intact as usual.

  2. Very insightful and superbly written!!

  3. Enjoyed reading it.

  4. Just a small comment from an eyewitness who stays in Vasant Kunj. My friend saw with his own eyes about 15 empty DTC buses(DTC is under Delhi Govt) appearing between 9pm to 10 March or early April this year..ostensibly to transport nearly 1000 odd workers & families who were staying in Jhuggi clusters in that area. This was happening when DTC buses were not plying for general Delhi citizens.
    Eventually these Buses left …packed withpeople…destination..Anand Vihar Bus terminal.(This we got to know later). All this was happening despite the PM,s appeal to State Govts to hold migrant labour to their existing location & provide food & shelter. Our CM was also blowing his trumpet & claiming to be diligently following all directions. Can you imagine the scale of this deception…in all of Delhi& the active role played by the so called upholders of law.

  5. Everything is “Maya”. If you want to see the poor migrant workers they exist. If not they do not.
    Eshna’s performance was so fabulous. Combing different worlds into one simple act. And an endearing one. More power to her.

  6. It has been a nightmare for the migrant and so much has been said and written. I wonder whats going on with the reverse migration , even for those who swore they would never be back in cities that gave them so much pain. They have no choice but to forgive the cities and be back for the same reason they went back- food!

    Rohit Shetty sure has a competitor!

  7. Oh man!! I really loved this analogy of all circular things, parliament, CP, and our Gol (Maal) AK…. Where from do you get mind to connect straws in a manner you do… Creative and amazing!! Ahhhhh…. That Eshna girl is making rounds and rounds in my not so circular mind from the time I have seen her clip. She is wonderful….. Coming back to the migrant workers, the two-thirds of them are already back as per yet another data… Unfortunately, many of them (not so skilled ones) have been given red (pink) slips. I wish all of them are back to their livelihood

  8. Excellent, Excellent & Excellent!! Super analogy of current affairs with an usual sweet taste of humor. Thank you.

  9. Citizen : Am going around in circles, don’t see a solution to my problems.
    Govt : Don’t worry, we too are doing the same. Just that, we decided to call it ‘governance’ !

  10. Enjoyed reading, as usual, albeit a bit late… your analogies are so on point and your writing so witty! Did my soul a world of good…

    Though frankly, I am heartbroken at the Hathras case and the depths our nation has fallen to. The way the police acted, the statements given, and the way the cremation was conducted. The feudal casteist attitude that seems to be in our blood… Is this the idea of India? My idea of a modern India is shattered. We have successfully regressed into a fundamentalist third world country.
    I wish I could pack my bags and leave.

  11. Finally caught up with you Giraj on this one. Sometimes I wonder if the Migration of so many lives from Delhi and its surroundings was True!! Along with the hundreds of dead bodies from which life wilted away, truly that is one guilt we shall all have to live with for the rest of our lives. Reminds me of Bob Dylan’s ‘Blowin in the wind’,’ how many times can a man turn his head and pretend that he just doesn’t see…’

    On the Delhi girl Eshna Kutty and her Hula hoops, she symbolises hope…what Delhi always stood for…maybe.

  12. Very insightful Giriraj . I love reading your blogs . Very well written .

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