Giraj's Blogs

A man goes to war while the other plays a percentage game!

Everything needs to be termed as a ‘war’ or ‘yudh‘ when your initiation into politics is a resultant of a ‘war’ against corruption. Skirmishes with the LG have not been so enthralling and our man AK needs more action – he needs to be at war. With whom is not of much significance but our street-fighter CM needs to perpetually engage in a war with someone or something. So he has launched an anti-air pollution campaign named “Yudh Pradushan Ke Virudh” apparently to keep a check on the air pollution levels in the national capital. Going the complete distance, the Delhi Government has even set up a Green ‘War Room’ to coordinate with different agencies. This much we can grant to AK for it seems logical as the various government departments are generally at ‘war’ with each other. Lo and behold, no sooner was the ‘yudh‘ announced we had Prakash Javadekar, who masquerades as Minister of Environment & Climate Change, starting to fire salvos at AK. Javadekar claimed that only four percent of Delhi’s air pollution is due to stubble burning. Imagine a minister of a government that was incapable of noticing the migrants on our highways post lock-down comes up with such precise data (4%!) on Delhi’s air pollution. Incredible! What’s the war cry, AK, we are with you – at least against this shoot-from-the-hip Javadekar!

Many Dilliwalahs, emotional as they are, had climbed on rooftops to bang pots and plates in March this year in response to a call given by none less than our PM. The entire charade was to show appreciation to the doctors and paramedics who were working diligently, and with great personal risk, to take care of patients affected by the virus. Dilliwalahs, being the trusting species that they are (debacles such as demonetization, Rs. 15 lakhs in bank accounts, 56 inches etc notwithstanding), played along. However, now when we place all that in perspective with the knowledge that some Delhi doctors have gone without wages for last three months, the roof-top act appears completely foolish. Thus begins yet another ‘war’ for poor chap, AK. He has already initiated the onslaught in right earnest by calling this act of depriving doctors (of their wages) at the municipality-run hospitals as ‘shameful’. Mind you, municipalities in Delhi are run by the mighty BJP. This blogger is sure of a forward surge in this war with missiles such as ‘gross mismanagement’, ‘rampant corruption’ being readied for deployment by AAP. It is likely that the resulting cacophony could be louder than the noise of banging of pots and plates! And why not?!

Just across the venue of AK’s baptism in to the world of politics used to be landmark hotel of Delhi – the Broadway. Famous for its restaurant, Chor Bizarre, and perhaps the first of its kind thematic bar in the city called Thugs (with villains of Bollywood donning the walls), the place used to be popular with foreigners and that included PM Modi’s one-time birthday-party buddy, Nawaz Sharif. Word has got out that this establishment has shut shop for good. Delhi has been losing some of its iconic places regularly with Regal Theatre, Ghantewala Sweet Shop, Standard Restaurant, Cafe Turtle in Khan Market, Fact & Fiction Bookstore…all gone in thin air (Oops! that Javadekar may just attribute another percentage to the pollution!).

StateOfDelhi Suggests: Once the fear of the virus is gone – you must visit Ram Swarup Halwai at Bazaar Sita Ram in Old Delhi to sample truly authentic Bedmi Poori and Nagori Halwa. Both these dishes haven’t really made it to fine-dining places and a few restaurants claiming to serve Delhi’s street food mess up this combination big time. No wonder this 80 year old joint retains a loyal following among foodies who line up there early in the morning – traditionally the best time to treat your taste buds to this lip-smacking combo.


  1. Great read, as usual….
    I’m pretty certain that no one in the government (the big one) gives a hoot about the citizen. Slogans galore and no substance. Addressing all irrelevant issues, while the real ones not even getting acknowledged, is a specialty here. Talking of slogans, maybe someone out there has listed all the slogans the govt (the big one) has coined in the last six years and presented them to the people with full gusto, and that too through the top man from the highest ramparts. Each one being touted as the last word to a solution to the problem it was made to appear to address. What came out of them is anybody’s guess.
    Speaking of the yodha, all one wishes is that he gets a fair fight, without being squashed by the sheer weight of the larger system above him.
    In the time of Covid, bedmi poori and nagori halwa sound good. Would be great if you had published the coordinates of the eighty-years-of-experience establishment. One needs to be all prepared to try out the wares as soon as the pandemic is over. Happy writing!

  2. Those slogans would make a pretty good rap song. Better than most of the Bollywood music anyway. ?
    PS: The article is fantastic as always.

  3. CM Kejriwal is now at his wits end. He is resorting to cheap theatrics and not taking any active steps. He should be engaging with Chief Ministers of neighbouring steps and use the offices of the central govt to drive this. For a guy who qualified the civil services and was in a prestigious institution like IIT I just don’t get it.

  4. Very well written chronology of the current times in Delhi. Full marks to you.
    “Bedmi Poori and Nagori Halwa” will be perfect lunch treat !!!

  5. Goldy, can’t comment on the political stuff but as always well written. Looking forward to the trip to the halwai shop!

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