Giraj's Blogs

Good Guy Romeo and Monkey Business

India has had a ‘Look East’policy for quite sometime but the head of Delhi’s unit of BJP stumbled up on it recently.  Looking for inspiration – he discovered Uttar Pradesh in east of Delhi (it may have to do with a certain yogi being there). Drawing a leaf out of the draconian anti-Romeo squads of UP, he wants to constitute similar squads to work for women safety in the Capital. But no, he won’t christen these squads anything Romeo (Oops! Inappropriate expression – Saffron party folks are unlikely to ‘christen’ anything!). The man believes that Romeo was a nice guy! Folks, he’s going to the Shakespeare Society as their guest of honour for their valedictory function this fall. This move of having such squads is suddenly going to add a spring in the step of our man AK. He would use the statement of the BJP Delhi chief as an acknowledgement of what his party has been claiming for long – that Delhi cops are not delivering and they better be handed over to the ‘elected’ government of Delhi. And with the new Home Minister at the center now summoning the Delhi Police Chief directly – we are in for interesting political mud-slinging this monsoon.

Such summons will, in all probability, lead Delhi’s top cop to Krishna Menon Marg in Lutyens Delhi for if a few newspaper reports are to be believed (no, one is not referring to TV Channels – no one does that these days!) then the Home Minister will be allotted a bunglow here. The bunglow in consideration used to be former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s residence for almost 14 years. Staying here will be a genuine feather in the cap of this very powerful politician – a few serious accusations and some conspiracy theories notwithstanding.

Accommodation in Lutyens Delhi is a major issue post any general elections. With the election results getting consolidated in month of May, it leads to an influx of new MPs into Delhi. Now by some strange coincidence it is that time of the year when the monkey menace in Delhi is also at its peak (both of these are mutually independent events so please do not draw any insinuations). Poor Dilliwalahs have been running from pillar to post seeking a relief and the matter (obviously of the monkeys!) even reached the Delhi High Court. The court ruled that catching monkeys and relocating them is the Municipal Corporation’s responsibility (SDMC in this case). Interestingly, the municipal body’s plea was that it was ill-equipped and it lacked the expertise to catch monkeys. Thankfully the courts dismissed this plea and the municipality has been asked to sort this monkey business.

StateOfDelhi Suggests: A couple of posts back this blogger had featured Kuremal Kulfiwala – the century old enterprise specializing in serving kulfi stuffed in seasonal fruits. The blog got more comments on the kulfi story than on the other content (so much for satire!). Some readers wanted this blogger to take them to Kucha Patti Ram, Bazaar Sitaram in Dilli as they were seemingly unfamiliar with the gali and kucha of Dilli. For all such folks here is some good news. Kuremal Kulfiwala has set up shop in Bengali Market in Central Delhi. So all you Dilliwalahs who find it difficult to navigate through the streets of Dilli – get to Bengali Market. And this monsoon don’t you miss out on the jamun kulfi sprinkled with special chat masala on top.

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  1. Hahahaha!! Enjoyed reading it. I know for sure you will be blessed by the Kulfi wala for his increase in sales of the Jamun Kulfi with special chat masala on top.
    Great read for us mumbaikars for getting a flavour of both political and social scenario of Delhi.
    Keep it up Giraj.

  2. Fun read as always – great blog. Will wait for the next one

  3. considering the law order situation in delhi and in particular womens safety and security and the police’s complete lack of control, some alternatives have to be thought about. the worry is that these squads can run amock. can they be put under the control of DCW or some such organisation so that there is no chaos?? we need to think guys from a 360 degrees perspectives

  4. Putting a special squad under the control of DCW is a great idea, Shamik

  5. Safety, be it Men or Women, are to be taken in more serious way. Hooligans could easily be delt. It’s all about the attitude. In this era of technological advancement there are many such options. Lessons could also be learned from other countries. Iron feast covered in velvet gloves are the need of the hour.

  6. Thoughtfull , nice and well Articulated presentation

  7. Very good blog humor and satire well interpressed

  8. Excellent Read, though I am convinced that you consider Romeo a Good Guy, I am still wondering if you forgot to punctuate Good Guy Romeo more appropriately..

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