Giraj's Blogs

Now What, Delhi?

It seems as if the Gods up there (and Satan too) have been paying more attention to Delhi than we deserve. The last few months have been crazy. So we decided to take a break and wait for sanity to return.

Take the happenings at Shaheen Bagh. As much as the powerful folks at the center desired – neither did Shaheen Bagh wrap itself up nor did the women there take to violence and the protests still continue. By the way, Shaheen Bagh has become so popular world-wide that it is threatening to become a major tourist spot for all outsiders coming to Delhi. So much so that the great Qutub Minar may eventually bow in respect (the authorities will have to do something about the stink from that open drain at Shaheen Bagh if they were to ticket visitors’ entry – tourists don’t like any stink).

Then there were episodes after episodes of Delhi Police – a force that decided to sully its reputation built with great difficulty post the 1984 genocide. They now have a Jamia, a JNU, a Darya Ganj among others to showcase an orientation that’s completely gone wrong in the last few months. Bravo Delhi Police! Just when Delhi Police’s leadership was to undergo a change (all bad things do come to an end) – came the riots of North-East Delhi. And the Delhi cops were found wanting again. Sadly over fifty people lost their lives and Delhi – it’s character. Some coincidence that we had Donald Trump in the city at the time of riots. So engaged was our PM with POTUS that he issued a statement calling for peace only on the third day of the riots that were taking place so close to the PMO – barely a 15 km as the crow flies (make that vulture, if you please!). Well, this blogger won’t comment on Trump’s visit because one can’t better John Oliver’s take on it ( ).

Delhi, weird humour that it has, decided to vote the Aam Admi Party back to power with an obnoxiously high number of seats – 62 in a house of 70! And this happened despite the BJP unleashing all their powerful campaigners on Dilliwalahs. Even PM Modi gave his foreign travels a miss, which is really something, to seek votes from Dilliwalahs. However, Dilliwalahs being what they are – they apparently couldn’t care two hoots! AAP came back with a thumping majority. But then look at what our man AK did during the riots. Instead of taking preventive action, he went to Rajghat along with his close aides. Can you beat that? He couldn’t do any better than offering prayers and hoping peace would return. Now, if Mahatma Gandhi has to resolve all our crises, even in 2020, then we really need to rally around the Nobel Committee to force them to give the Mahatama a Peace Nobel – at least now.

StateOfDelhi Suggests: This time we suggest that you stay indoors and avoid crowded areas till such time that the threat of Coronavirus Covid 19 disappears. Drink a lot of water and wash your hands regularly. Don’t worry too much and stay happy. Yeh, Dilli hai mere yaar.


  1. AK overcame the BJP’s aggressive outreach. The good thing is that he is now satisfied with the powers that he as the CM of Delhi gets. He will now have to prove that he can continue to make a difference to the people of Delhi.

  2. It seems corona virus has overtaken CAA and NRC – all quiet – no more morchas and violence- thank god
    Hope AAP maintains peace in delhi.
    Enjoy colder March this year.

  3. This is definitely the Delhi I was born in, grew, received my undergrad degree before I moved to Mumbai to pursue my post grad and later a long career there. The Delhi I now return to occasionally has changed for the worse despite the world beating metro and a fab airport. What’s the use of infrastructure when the social fabric is so fragmented and people behaving like lunatics. Definitely not my delhi

  4. This is definitely not the Delhi I was born in, grew, received my undergrad degree before I moved to Mumbai to pursue my post grad and later a long career there. The Delhi I now return to occasionally has changed for the worse despite the world beating metro and a fab airport. What’s the use of infrastructure when the social fabric is so fragmented and people behaving like lunatics. Definitely not my delhi

  5. Giraj! Once again you hit the nail. However, we need to look at the recent roits in Delhi holistically. There is an anatomy to the communal roits in the country. History repeats itself always. And unfortunately, starting from the protests (on an imaginary wrong) to the full scale clashes (the real ones), the politician (all parties) plays a trigger and decisive role through active/passive action in ensuring his ulterior motives. I wish the more aware and educated lot in Delhi takes a lead in not only flagging these issues but working towards bringing harmony, as you do so through blogs. Jai Hind!

  6. So while I too, was disappointed with AK’s handling of the situation, I guess he had his reasons. I believe doctors and other agents are in the field, providing help. It’s a wait and watch. But I am terribly ashamed, and anguished at what happened in Delhi. If this is reaction to losing the polls, as many are saying, we’re in for further deterioration as a nation.

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