Books & Films

Trees of Delhi – Pradip Krishen

Delhi has always been known for its green cover. Pradeep Krishen, a documentary maker turned nature-lover, in his book Trees of Delhi: A Field Guide, has compiled a list of trees found in Delhi (and there are many!). If you have ever admired a tree anywhere and happen to pass through Delhi – then this book is for you.

It makes you look at Delhi and the trees of Delhi with love, care and amazement. The book not only provides you details on each tree that’s listed there but also tracks down those places in Delhi where you will find those trees.

The pictures, illustrations and location details make the processing of identifying the trees of Delhi so easy.


  1. I am trying to reach Pradip Krishen. We are old friends from Delhi University. Please can you pass on my email address to him.
    With thanks,

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