Delhi Is Talking About

And the gift malfunctioned

The tunnel at Pragiti Maidan was inaugurated by the PM and was touted as a ‘gift’ to Dilliwalahs by the Centre. And then came the first monsoon showers and the gift malfunctioned. There was water-logging in the much-talked about tunnel leading to traffic snarls. The brouhaha of that inauguration was soon forgotten and folks had to resort to seeking help from that lady embedded in Google Maps for alternate routes.

Thankfully, Dilliwalahs, smart as they are, do not take this ‘gift’ bit too seriously. The previous ‘gifts’ are well etched in their memory. Gifts such as the one where they had to stand in long queues to legitimise their own hard-earned cash! Dilliwalahs know that it’s best to let such claims be. Fresh in their memory is another ‘gift’ in the form of Central Vista project. Something that has deprived them of their favourite summer indulgence of having ice-cream in the open spaces around India Gate. They thus slotted this Pragati Maidan tunnel ‘gift’ to be the beginning of a surrogate campaign. Yes, a campaign for the Delhi Municipal Corporation elections and nothing more.

Read about ‘and the gift malfunctioned’ and other stories in this piece that appeared under Delhi Musings in National Herald.

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